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I`ve made this cake MANY times in the past couple of years - ever since the recipe was posted to the French version of your blog - and it is always hugely successful. Now, when I have a straight lemon loaf cake, I really miss the extra depth of flavour that comes from the olive oil!

Wow, What a splendid bread you have here. Interesting taste for a bread. Thanks for sharing.

I prefer the chocolate cake because you can eat it with coffee or milk and the flavor is better than the other one. the ingredients are simple so the preparation is really fast.

We turn our attention away from our own defects, and when we are forced by untoward events to consider them, find it easy to condone them.

For some people the highways became a funny trip and never think of care they must to have every time they go over there. I do expect some separation of views between the introverts and extroverts, but don't know if your unscientific poll will be able to discern that distinction. Should be interesting to see your next post reveals.

Surprise. Best and new Cake . I like it. This is simple and easy.


Good stuff as per usual, thanks. I do hope this kind of thing gets more exposure.

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Whitstable (Grande-Bretagne)

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